Important: The below guide refers to an older version of our Reports module, which not all schools will have access to. The pathways discussed in this guide therefore may not be relevant if you only have access to Quick Reports. This will typically apply to schools that are relatively new to Bromcom as well as Northern Ireland schools and they therefore should refer to Quick Reports guidance instead.
Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.
For schools who have recently been onboarded to Bromcom from Monday 30th January 2023 Reports>Adhoc will just show Quick Reports.
In this guide, you will be shown how to create a Matrix Report.
Matrix Reports are reports that have data arranged into columns and rows and provide functionality similar to crosstabs and pivot tables.
Unlike a table, which has a static set of columns, Matrixes are dynamic in both columns and rows.

To create your own Matrix Report, hover over the Reports, go to Adhoc and then Matrix Report.
For any new schools being onboarded after Monday 30th January 2023 the Create New Report Menu will only show Quick Report.

By default, the Report Type will be set as Matrix Report.
You then need to select a Report Domain, this dictates which Module of the system the Report will provide data (Assessment/Behaviour etc).

Lastly, select the specific Report Domain you want to use from within the Module you have selected for the Report.
These are the actual icons that display at the bottom of the screen.

Once selected, you will be taken to the Report Design page.

From this page the Report is designed.
From the Reporting Data Items list on the left, double click on the items required for the report or drag & drop them into the Details box.
Clicking on the arrows to the left will open the Data Items tree.
For this example we will be looking for the Student Timetable information.

As each Data Item is added to the Details box the Preview Pane will update with that information making it easy to see immediately what data will be included within the report and to make the changes required. If parameters need to be entered for the data to be selected only the basics will appear on the preview.
Note: When the preview is collated it will not display all of the records within each Data Item, it will only display the first 100 records, to avoid slowing down the production of the report. It will also not show sorting and information required at runtime parameters.
The Report Layout has been used to create a page break after each Year. If the Show Column Totals, Show Group Counts or Show Page Counts options are ticked this will add figures to the report.
Next click on the Report Filters & Intervals tab, this is where the report parameters are setup. These are the settings for the report when it is run.

The Report Intervals will relate to the Data Items selected for this report.
The selected Report Filters will filter the final report, this one being filtered on the Student Selector.
To add Filters click on the Filter Items tab under the Report Data Items section and drag & drop the required Filters into the Filter Section.
To change the style of the report click on the Report Style tab.

Highlight the parts of the report to be changed (which will display red) and use the options to the right to change or add colour, text style, borders etc. Then click OK.
When finished click on the Report Properties tab to give the report a Name and Description and to change any of the finishing information.

When finished click on the Save or Save As button and save your changes.
The report will now be available under the relevant folder on the List Reports page.

Once a new report has been designed and run clicking on the Redesign button will return to the Reporting Design page where the report design can be amended. The Edit button still returns to the parameter page for the report parameters to be amended.

Matrix Report for Student Email Priority
To create a matrix to show where a Student has more than one email on their Student Profile the report parameters would look like the example below;

In the Report Filters and Intervals the following filter has been set;