Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.
Cross Domain reporting is available for Web Merge reports this enables the user to include data from unrelated domains in a single report output. This is currently limited to Master domains containing Staff or Student information and can be used by clicking on the Enable Cross Domain Reporting check box once an initial data item has been added to the report from the Master Data Domain.
When the Enable Cross Domain Reporting tick box is selected the report options for that Domain selection are displayed. Simply select the required Report Domains one at a time from the dropdown list and click on the Add button, these will then be displayed in the Master box above.
Clicking on the Domain in the Master box will update the Reporting Data Items list with those available from the selected Domain.
As this is Cross Domain more than one Domain can be used by selecting from the dropdown list. However the Student ID needs to be in all the Domains allowing the system to recognise the relationships between them.
As the Master Report Domain is selected from either Student or Staff the Student or Staff selector will be added automatically to the Report Filter page and set to Required and Ask at Runtime. This filter is considered fundamental to the report and so cannot be removed.
In its simplest form without using the filters, all domain data for the Data Items selected will be returned. The Report filters can be used as normal to limit the output.
As Cross Domain reporting is for Web Merge, each domain added would ordinarily have its output displayed in table form. As such, it is important to add a table into the Word template with appropriate data fields and headings. This table needs to have @TableStart (including table name) and @TableEnd fields to enable the system to understand that a Cross Domain table is being inserted into the document.
Event Description | Event Type | Event Date |
<<Event_Desc>> | <<Event_T>> | <<Event_Date>> |
Follow the normal Web Merge procedure as far as the Web Merge Step 2: Documents Field Arrangements where you will see that the Cross Domain element has been added with a table identifier and the respective Data Items for that Domain.
Ensure the system has mapped them correctly and complete the page as described for standard Web Merge reports before processing.