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  4. How to Record Staff Absence

How to Record Staff Absence

Northern Ireland

Use this functionality to record Staff Absence in the Staff List Page.

  • Staff absence can be amended or deleted from within the Staff Record.
  • Staff can also be marked as absent in the Staff Record and in the Cover Module.

Tip: you must have an academic year set up for this process to work.

Access: The minimum permissions required to access the Staff List page is found in the Framework Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.

Staff List Page Permissions

See also How to View and Edit a Teaching Class, How to Add Staff to Teaching Classes/Groups and How To Make a Staff Leave Request.

Create Staff Absence

To create a Staff Absence from the left Menu go to Staff > Select 1 or more Members of Staff > Actions > Absence.

You can select multiple Staff if the Date and Reason for the Absence is the same.

This will open the Record Absence pop-up. The pop-up has 2 tabs, Absence Details and Absence Certificates.

Record Staff Absence

In the Absence Details Tab add the Absence information using the dropdown options.

  • Absent For – from the dropdown list select the time period for the Absence
  • Absence Type – from the dropdown list select the Absence Type, these are added by the school using Lookup Tables (see also How To Edit Lookup Tables)
  • Start Date – this will default to the Current Date and can be changed if required the Time can also be changed
  • End Date Known – tick this box if you know the End Date of the Absence, this will create an extra field to enter the End Date
  • End Date – this will default to the Current Date and can be changed if required the Time can also be changed
  • DfE Duration – for ‘Continuous Absences’ this will automatically populate based on the Start and End Date of the Absence and can also be changed manually
  • Annual Leave – Select if the Absence is Annual Leave
  • Industrial Injury – Select if the Absence is as a result of an Industrial Injury.
  • SSP Exclusion Advised – Select in the Absence will not be covered by Statutory Sick Pay.
  • Reason – from the dropdown list select the Reason for the Absence
  • Local Code – this will be automatically populated based on the Reason and can be changed manually
  • Pay Decision – select the Pay Decision from the dropdown list
  • Payroll Absence Category – Select the Payroll Absence Category from the dropdown.
  • Authorised Pay Rate – Select the Authorised Pay Rate from the dropdown.
  • Attachments – can be added by clicking the Browse button and uploading a file
  • Return to Work Assessment Date – this allows a Date to be added
  • Notes – add any additional Free Text Notes if required

When completed click the Save button.

Configure Illness Category

When logging Staff Absence you can configure the system that Illness Category for Staff Absences is required in Config>Administration>Administration Defaults.

Administration Defaults

See also How to Create New Staff Absence Codes

First if required tick Illness Category for Staff Absence Required and then there are 2 scenarios for this, choose either;

  1. Absence Code is Personal
  2. Absence Category is Sickness (SIC)

If 1. Absence Code is Personal is Selected then ANY Absence Code with the Type Personal will require an Illness Category to be completed when recording Staff Absence

If 2.Absence Category is Sickness (SIC) is selected then only Absence Codes under the Category SIC will require an Illness Category when recording Staff Absence

Click Save.

Use this functionality to record Staff Absence in the Staff List Page.

  • Staff absence can be amended or deleted from within the Staff Record.
  • Staff can also be marked as absent in the Staff Record and in the Cover Module.

Tip: you must have an academic year set up for this process to work.

Access: The minimum permissions required to access the Staff List page is found in the Framework Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.

Staff List Page Permissions

See also How to View and Edit a Teaching Class, How to Add Staff to Teaching Classes/Groups and How To Make a Staff Leave Request.

Create Staff Absence

To create a Staff Absence from the left Menu go to Staff > Select 1 or more Members of Staff > Actions > Absence.

You can select multiple Staff if the Date and Reason for the Absence is the same.

This will open the Record Absence pop-up. The pop-up has 2 tabs, Absence Details and Absence Certificates.

Record Staff Absence

In the Absence Details Tab add the Absence information using the dropdown options.

  • Absent For – from the dropdown list select the time period for the Absence
  • Absence Type – from the dropdown list select the Absence Type, these are added by the school using Lookup Tables (see also How To Edit Lookup Tables)
  • Start Date – this will default to the Current Date and can be changed if required the Time can also be changed
  • End Date Known – tick this box if you know the End Date of the Absence, this will create an extra field to enter the End Date
  • End Date – this will default to the Current Date and can be changed if required the Time can also be changed
  • DfE Duration – for ‘Continuous Absences’ this will automatically populate based on the Start and End Date of the Absence and can also be changed manually
  • Annual Leave – Select if the Absence is Annual Leave
  • Industrial Injury – Select if the Absence is as a result of an Industrial Injury.
  • SSP Exclusion Advised – Select in the Absence will not be covered by Statutory Sick Pay.
  • Reason – from the dropdown list select the Reason for the Absence
  • Local Code – this will be automatically populated based on the Reason and can be changed manually
  • Pay Decision – select the Pay Decision from the dropdown list
  • Payroll Absence Category – Select the Payroll Absence Category from the dropdown.
  • Authorised Pay Rate – Select the Authorised Pay Rate from the dropdown.
  • Attachments – can be added by clicking the Browse button and uploading a file
  • Return to Work Assessment Date – this allows a Date to be added
  • Notes – add any additional Free Text Notes if required

When completed click the Save button.

Configure Illness Category

When logging Staff Absence you can configure the system that Illness Category for Staff Absences is required in Config>Administration>Administration Defaults.

Administration Defaults

See also How to Create New Staff Absence Codes

First if required tick Illness Category for Staff Absence Required and then there are 2 scenarios for this, choose either;

  1. Absence Code is Personal
  2. Absence Category is Sickness (SIC)

If 1. Absence Code is Personal is Selected then ANY Absence Code with the Type Personal will require an Illness Category to be completed when recording Staff Absence

If 2.Absence Category is Sickness (SIC) is selected then only Absence Codes under the Category SIC will require an Illness Category when recording Staff Absence

Click Save.

Updated on July 11, 2024

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