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  3. How to Create a Table Report

How to Create a Table Report

Important: The below guide refers to an older version of our Reports module, which not all schools will have access to. The pathways discussed in this guide therefore may not be relevant if you only have access to Quick Reports. This will typically apply to schools that are relatively new to Bromcom as well as Northern Ireland schools and they therefore should refer to Quick Reports guidance instead.

Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.

For any new schools being onboarded after Monday 30th January 2023 the Create New Report Menu will only show Quick Report.

Staff can use this guide to build a Custom Built Table Report.

See the Reporting page for guidance and to create other types of Reports.

Use this guide to:

Report Design

From the left hand menu choose Reports > Adhoc > Table Report

Table Report Pathway

From the Report Template page note the Table Report Type is already highlighted, then choose which Report Domain you wish to Create a Table Report for by clicking on the required icon.

See also How to use Data Domains

In this example the Report Domain of Students is chosen.

Report Template Page

This will open the Report Design Page, this is where the Report is created.

Report Design Page

This page is divided into 3 sections:

  • Reporting Data Items
  • Report Layout : Detail/Group By and Page Break
  • Report Properties

The Reporting Data Items section is located on the left hand side, this list is defined by the Report Domain chosen. In this example Students has been chosen.

Reporting Data Items

Within the Reporting Data Item list scroll down to see headers with a triangle symbol, click on the triangle to open the Reporting Data Item.

In this example Click on the triangle next to Personal Information to see more Data Item Headers.

Then Click on the triangle next to Names and Photo to see all the Data Items under the Names and Photo header

Now you are able to either Drag and Drop an Item from the Reporting Data Items list into the Detail Section or simply Double Click on an Item to add it to the Detail Section.

Once items are in the Detail Section they will show in the Report Properties Panel.

Note: the system shows randomly selected data in the Report Properties they are not in any order.

In this example the following 5 data items have been added to the Report:

  • From Personal Information – Names and Photos : First Name and Last Name
  • From Personal Information – Gender Gender
  • From Pastoral – Year Group and Tutor Group
Report Example – 5 fields added

You can add a Data Item as a Favourite by right clicking on the Data Item in the Reporting Data Items List.

Right Click to Add to Favourites

This Data Item will then show on the Favourites tab.


Click the red delete icon to delete a Data Item from the Favourites Tab.

Delete a Favourite

You can Search for a Data Item by clicking on the Search button on the top left.


Once you click on the Search button you have the option to Search for a Data Item that

  • Starts With
  • Contains
  • Ends With
Data Item Drop Down

In the example below Pupil Premium has been entered into the Search box and Contains has been chosen from the Data Item drop down.

Click Enter to see the Search results.

Double Click on the Data Item to add it to your Table Report.

Search Data Items
Table Report Example

Once you are happy with your report click Save.

Report Properties
  • You will then be asked to give the Report a Title and a Description.
  • From the Folder drop down choose either Module and the required Module to Save a Report within the Module Custom Reports, or another Folder.
  • For Access Permissions, choose either to Inherit Folder Permissions (where anyone who has access to the Folder the Report is saved in will be able to see the Report), or Custom Permissions where you choose the Roles who can have access to the Report, with the option to Access and or Edit the Report.
  • Page Size choose either A4 or Letter.
  • Page Orientation choose either Portrait or Landscape.
  • Tick to Hide Header and/or Footer if required.

Click OK.

Updated on June 10, 2024

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