Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.
This page will show you how to Record a Behaviour Event against a Student, a number of Students or a Group, on the mobile app. If you want to do this using the browser, please see How to Enter Behaviour Data.
Once you’re logged in to the app, click on the Behaviour option.
This will open on the the Behaviour Entry page with the Student List displayed by default.
Adding Behaviour Events for Students
From the Student List tick the boxes to the right of the Student name, selecting one or more Students, then click the Next button top right to enter the Event details.
Depending on the device used you may need to scroll down to view all of the options.
Add the Behaviour Event information using the dropdown lists and when complete click the Save button. Not all of the options have to be selected, if you have missed any that do need to be included you will be given a Message when saving.
- Event – is the Event to be added
- Outcome – is the Outcome selected from the list for the Event
- Location – is the Class, Room or area where the Incident took place
- Classification – is the categories that Events are put into by the School
- Affected Students – is other Students affected by the Incident
- Affected Staff – is other Staff affected by the Incident
- Witness – is the person who witnessed the Incident
- Adjustment – is the Points given for the Event
- Select Date – will display the current Date but can be manually adjusted
- Select Time – will display the current Time but can be manually adjusted
- Comment – is free text
- Internal Comment – is free text
- Generate Detention – this is a Toggle button, giving additional options when selected
- If a Detention is Generated there will be additional selections
- Detention Type – type of Detention given
- Select Date – will display the current Date but can be manually adjusted
- Select Period – is the Period in which the Detention will be given
- Staff – member of Staff to take the Detention
- Location – Room where Detention will take place
- If a Detention is Generated there will be additional selections
For some Events there will be additional selections.
- Outcome – is the Outcome
- Classification – is the Classification the Event comes under
Note: Do not worry if you do not see all of the options listed above, what is displayed is defined by the School when creating an Event.
Note: Except for the Free Text options all of the above are selected from dropdown lists created by your School, when setting up the Behaviour Events.
Adding Behaviour Events for Groups
Select the Groups option on the right and click on the Group to add the Behaviour to.
From the list tick the boxes to the right of the name, selecting one or more, then click the Next button top right to enter the Event details.
This is done in the same way as the Student Entry described above.