Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.
This page will show you how a Teacher and Student can communicate about a Homework assignment.
Note: This option is only available if enabled in the Student Portal Homework Configurations page, see: How to Configure Homework for Student Portal
Messages to be sent via Teacher to Student or Student to Teacher allowing Students to ask questions and the Teacher to reply or add additional information for the Homework including any additional Attachments.
A Message received by the Teacher will display a Speech Bubble icon via the Lesson Dashboard and a Notification red Dot in the top right of the screen, a Message received by the Student will display a Red dot in the View/Submit column and the number of Messages received in a Red Circle next to Homework in the Menu on the left.
Received Message
An Alert for the Message will display in your Notifications. Click on this to see your Notifications.
Then click on the Message to open it. This will show the Name of the Student who sent it and the Number of Messages to read. Click on the View xx messages button.
This will open the Message, write your reply at the bottom and click the Send button. You can also add Attachments here by clicking on the Paper Clip button.
Your Message will now show in blue in the window.
You can also access and send Messages from the Lesson Dashboard by selecting the Assignments option from the left Menu. Click on the Speech Bubble icon to the right of the Homework to send Messages. If you have received Messages there will be a red Dot on the Speech Bubble.