This an overview of the Enrolment section of the Student Details page displaying the following sections, Enrolment Status, School History, Class Memberships, Year Group Memberships, Tutor Group Memberships, House Memberships, Programme Aims with Learning Aims, Learning Aims (Not Attached to a Programme Aim), Qualifications, Fees, Gifted & Talented Subjects and User Defined Fields.
- Enrolment
- Key Data
- Enrolment Status
- School History
- Class Membership(s)
- Year Group Membership(s)
- Tutor Group Membership(s)
- House Membership(s)
- Programme Aims with Learning Aims
- Learning Aims (Not Attached to a Programme Aim)
- Qualifications
- Fees
- Gifted & Talented Subjects
- Alternative Provision Details
- User Defined Fields
Access: The minimum permissions required to access the Enrolment page can be found in the Framework module from within Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions.
See Also: How to View the Student Details Profile Page
First, select Students from the left hand menu, then select the Student who’s Enrolment you would like to view and click View.
Select Enrolment from the left hand menu to open the Enrolment section of the Student Profile.
The following icons will be available on some of the sections. They are Add, View CTF Attendance History, More, Edit, Delete and View.
Enrolment Status
The Enrolment Status panel will display the Students Current Enrolment Status along with any previous Enrolment Status’.
You can Edit or Delete an enrolment status by hovering over the Enrolment Status you would like to change and clicking the Pencil Icon to Edit, or the Bin Icon to Delete.
Note: Under most circumstances we would recommend that you Do Not Edit or Delete an Enrolment Status as this can cause loss of Attendance Data, if the Enrolment Status of a Student has changed, please Add a New Enrolment Status.
You can add a new Enrolment Status by selecting the + icon in the top right hand corner of the panel.
In the pop-up, select the new Enrolment Status from the dropdown, enter the Start Date, if you know the End Date you can also enter this here but it is not required. Once you’re happy press Save.
If the New Enrolment Status is replacing an existing Enrolment Status you will receive the following Confirmation message, press Proceed.
You’ll see that the previous Enrolment Status has now been End Dated as of the day before the Start Date of the New Enrolment Status.
School History
Displays the History of Previous Schools including the Current School attended.
Click the + icon to Add new details. Or the CTF Attendance History icon to view the CTF Attendance.
Hovering over a row will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Class Memberships
Displays the Current Class Memberships.
Click the + icon to Add a new Class Membership.
Click the More icon to Add, Edit, Transfer or Remove Assigned Classes.
Hovering over a row will give the options to View, Edit or Delete.
Key Data
The Key Data Panel can be found on the right hand side of the Enrolment page. Click the Edit button.
On the Key Details tab you can make changes to information such as the UPN, ULN and Admission Number.
In the Attendance Modes tab, you can Add New Attendance Modes by clicking Click to Add New Attendance Mode and Edit or Delete existing Attendance Modes by hovering over the Attendance Mode to be edited and clicking the Pencil Icon to Edit or the No Entry symbol to Delete.
Year Group Memberships
Displays the Year Group Memberships.
Click the + icon to Add a new Year Group Membership.
Hovering over a row will give the options to View, Edit or Delete.
Tutor Group Memberships
Displays the Tutor Group Memberships.
Click the + icon to Add a new Tutor Group Membership.
Hovering over a row will give the options to View, Edit or Delete.
House Memberships
Displays the House Membership.
Click the + icon to Add a new House Membership.
Hovering over a row will give the options to View, Edit or Delete.
Programme Aims with Learning Aims
Learning Aims are linked directly to Programme Aims. The Programme Aim will have a Reference which is assigned to the associated Learning Aims.
Click the + icon to Add a new Programme Aim.
Clicking on a Programme Aim will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Where a Student Programme Aim exists and a new Programme Aim with Start/End Dates BEFORE the existing one is added the message has been changed from, There is already an open Programme Aim for the selected date range, to Programme Aim reference is sequential. Please update existing Programme Aim with the earliest dates then add a new one.
Learning Aims (Not Attached to a Programme Aim)
If Learning Aims exist when a Programme Aim is added they will be automatically be linked to the Programme if their characteristics map correctly. Any Learning Aim which has a Start Date before the Programme Aim Start Date will not be attached and will reside in the Learning Aims (Not Attached to a Programme Aim) panel.
Click the + icon to Add a new Learning Aim.
Clicking on a Learning Aim will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Displays any Student Qualifications.
Click the + icon to Add a new Qualification.
Clicking on a Qualification will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Displays any Fees, Due, Paid or Outstanding.
Click the + icon to Add a new Fees.
Clicking on a Fee will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Gifted & Talented Subjects
Displays Gifted & Talented Subjects.
Click the + icon to Add a new Gifted or Talented Subject.
Clicking on a Subject will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Alternative Provision Details
Displays any Alternative Provision Details.
The Alternative Provisions Panel is found via Students>View Student Details>Enrolment
Click the + icon to Add a new Alternative Provision.
Clicking on an Alternative Provision will give the options to Edit or Delete.
User Defined Fields
Displays User Defined Fields for the Student.
User Defined Fields are created and added from Config > Administration > User Defined Fields
This an overview of the Enrolment section of the Student Details page displaying the following sections, Enrolment Status, School History, Class Memberships, Year Group Memberships, Tutor Group Memberships, House Memberships, Programme Aims with Learning Aims, Learning Aims (Not Attached to a Programme Aim), Qualifications, Fees, Gifted & Talented Subjects and User Defined Fields.
- Enrolment
- Key Data
- Enrolment Status
- School History
- Sure Start
- Class Membership(s)
- Year Group Membership(s)
- Tutor Group Membership(s)
- House Membership(s)
- Programme Aims with Learning Aims
- Learning Aims (Not Attached to a Programme Aim)
- Qualifications
- Fees
- Gifted & Talented Subjects
- Alternative Provision Details
- Nurture Unit History
- User Defined Fields
Access: The minimum permissions required to access the Enrolment page can be found in the Framework module from within Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions.
See Also: How to View the Student Details Profile Page
First, select Students from the left hand menu, then select the Student who’s Enrolment you would like to view and click View.
Select Enrolment from the left hand menu to open the Enrolment section of the Student Profile.
The following icons will be available on some of the sections. They are Add, View CTF Attendance History, More, Edit, Delete and View.
Enrolment Status
The Enrolment Status panel will display the Students Current Enrolment Status along with any previous Enrolment Status’.
You can Edit or Delete an enrolment status by hovering over the Enrolment Status you would like to change and clicking the Pencil Icon to Edit, or the Bin Icon to Delete.
Note: Under most circumstances we would recommend that you Do Not Edit or Delete an Enrolment Status as this can cause loss of Attendance Data, if the Enrolment Status of a Student has changed, please Add a New Enrolment Status.
You can add a new Enrolment Status by selecting the + icon in the top right hand corner of the panel.
In the pop-up, select the new Enrolment Status from the dropdown, enter the Start Date, if you know the End Date you can also enter this here but it is not required. Once you’re happy press Save.
If the New Enrolment Status is replacing an existing Enrolment Status you will receive the following Confirmation message, press Proceed.
You’ll see that the previous Enrolment Status has now been End Dated as of the day before the Start Date of the New Enrolment Status.
School History
The School History panel comprises of 2 Sections, School History and Pre-School History.
To add new details, click the + Icon and select whether to add School History or Pre-School History.
You also have the option to view CTF Attendances by selecting this icon.
Hovering over a row will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Sure Start
The Sure Start panel displays any recorded Sure Start details.
Click the + Button to add new Sure Start Details.
You can hover over an existing Sure Start entry to Edit or Delete the entry.
Class Memberships
Displays the Current Class Memberships.
Click the + icon to Add a new Class Membership.
Click the More icon to Add, Edit, Transfer or Remove Assigned Classes.
Hovering over a row will give the options to View, Edit or Delete.
Key Data
The Key Data Panel can be found on the right hand side of the Enrolment page. Click the Edit button.
On the Key Details tab you can make changes to information such as the UPN, ULN and Admission Number.
In the Attendance Modes tab, you can Add New Attendance Modes by clicking Click to Add New Attendance Mode and Edit or Delete existing Attendance Modes by hovering over the Attendance Mode to be edited and clicking the Pencil Icon to Edit or the No Entry symbol to Delete.
Year Group Memberships
Displays the Year Group Memberships.
Click the + icon to Add a new Year Group Membership.
Hovering over a row will give the options to View, Edit or Delete.
Tutor Group Memberships
Displays the Tutor Group Memberships.
Click the + icon to Add a new Tutor Group Membership.
Hovering over a row will give the options to View, Edit or Delete.
House Memberships
Displays the House Membership.
Click the + icon to Add a new House Membership.
Hovering over a row will give the options to View, Edit or Delete.
Programme Aims with Learning Aims
Learning Aims are linked directly to Programme Aims. The Programme Aim will have a Reference which is assigned to the associated Learning Aims.
Click the + icon to Add a new Programme Aim.
Clicking on a Programme Aim will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Where a Student Programme Aim exists and a new Programme Aim with Start/End Dates BEFORE the existing one is added the message has been changed from, There is already an open Programme Aim for the selected date range, to Programme Aim reference is sequential. Please update existing Programme Aim with the earliest dates then add a new one.
Learning Aims (Not Attached to a Programme Aim)
If Learning Aims exist when a Programme Aim is added they will be automatically be linked to the Programme if their characteristics map correctly. Any Learning Aim which has a Start Date before the Programme Aim Start Date will not be attached and will reside in the Learning Aims (Not Attached to a Programme Aim) panel.
Click the + icon to Add a new Learning Aim.
Clicking on a Learning Aim will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Displays any Student Qualifications.
Click the + icon to Add a new Qualification.
Clicking on a Qualification will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Displays any Fees, Due, Paid or Outstanding.
Click the + icon to Add a new Fees.
Clicking on a Fee will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Gifted & Talented Subjects
Displays Gifted & Talented Subjects.
Click the + icon to Add a new Gifted or Talented Subject.
Clicking on a Subject will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Alternative Provision Details
Displays any Alternative Provision Details.
The Alternative Provisions Panel is found via Students>View Student Details>Enrolment
Click the + icon to Add a new Alternative Provision.
Clicking on an Alternative Provision will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Nurture Unit History
The Nurture Unit History panel will show any existing Nurture Unit information.
You can click the + Icon in the top right hand corner to add a new entry.
Or, you can hover over an existing entry to Edit or Delete it.
User Defined Fields
Displays User Defined Fields for the Student.
User Defined Fields are created and added from Config > Administration > User Defined Fields
This an overview of the Enrolment section of the Student Details page displaying the following sections, Enrolment Status, School History, Class Memberships, Year Group Memberships, Tutor Group Memberships, House Memberships, Programme Aims with Learning Aims, Learning Aims (Not Attached to a Programme Aim), Qualifications, Fees, Gifted & Talented Subjects and User Defined Fields.
- Enrolment
- Key Data
- Enrolment Status
- School History
- Class Membership(s)
- Year Group Membership(s)
- Tutor Group Membership(s)
- House Membership(s)
- Programmes With Learning Activities
- Learning Aims (Not Attached to a Programme Aim)
- Qualifications
- Fees
- Gifted & Talented Subjects
- Alternative Provision Details
- User Defined Fields
Access: The minimum permissions required to access the Enrolment page can be found in the Framework module from within Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions.
See Also: How to View the Student Details Profile Page
First, select Students from the left hand menu, then select the Student who’s Enrolment you would like to view and click View.
Select Enrolment from the left hand menu to open the Enrolment section of the Student Profile.
The following icons will be available on some of the sections. They are Add, View CTF Attendance History, More, Edit, Delete and View.
Enrolment Status
The Enrolment Status panel will display the Students Current Enrolment Status along with any previous Enrolment Status’.
You can Edit or Delete an enrolment status by hovering over the Enrolment Status you would like to change and clicking the Pencil Icon to Edit, or the Bin Icon to Delete.
Note: Under most circumstances we would recommend that you Do Not Edit or Delete an Enrolment Status as this can cause loss of Attendance Data, if the Enrolment Status of a Student has changed, please Add a New Enrolment Status.
You can add a new Enrolment Status by selecting the + icon in the top right hand corner of the panel.
In the pop-up, select the new Enrolment Status from the dropdown, enter the Start Date, if you know the End Date you can also enter this here but it is not required. Once you’re happy press Save.
If the New Enrolment Status is replacing an existing Enrolment Status you will receive the following Confirmation message, press Proceed.
You’ll see that the previous Enrolment Status has now been End Dated as of the day before the Start Date of the New Enrolment Status.
School History
Displays the History of Previous Schools including the Current School attended.
Click the + icon to Add new details. Or the CTF Attendance History icon to view the CTF Attendance.
Hovering over a row will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Class Memberships
Displays the Current Class Memberships.
Click the + icon to Add a new Class Membership.
Click the More icon to Add, Edit, Transfer or Remove Assigned Classes.
Hovering over a row will give the options to View, Edit or Delete.
Key Data
The Key Data Panel can be found on the right hand side of the Enrolment page. Click the Edit button.
On the Key Details tab you can make changes to information such as the UPN, ULN and Admission Number.
In the Attendance Modes tab, you can Add New Attendance Modes by clicking Click to Add New Attendance Mode and Edit or Delete existing Attendance Modes by hovering over the Attendance Mode to be edited and clicking the Pencil Icon to Edit or the No Entry symbol to Delete.
Year Group Memberships
Displays the Year Group Memberships.
Click the + icon to Add a new Year Group Membership.
Hovering over a row will give the options to View, Edit or Delete.
Tutor Group Memberships
Displays the Tutor Group Memberships.
Click the + icon to Add a new Tutor Group Membership.
Hovering over a row will give the options to View, Edit or Delete.
House Memberships
Displays the House Membership.
Click the + icon to Add a new House Membership.
Hovering over a row will give the options to View, Edit or Delete.
Programmes With Learning Activities
Learning Aims are linked directly to Programme Aims. The Programme Aim will have a Reference which is assigned to the associated Learning Aims.
Click the + icon to Add a new Programme.
Hovering over a Programme in the panel will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Learning Aims (Not Attached to a Programme Aim)
If Learning Aims exist when a Programme Aim is added they will be automatically be linked to the Programme if their characteristics map correctly. Any Learning Aim which has a Start Date before the Programme Aim Start Date will not be attached and will reside in the Learning Aims (Not Attached to a Programme Aim) panel.
Click the + icon to Add a new Learning Aim.
Clicking on a Learning Aim will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Displays any Student Qualifications.
Click the + icon to Add a new Qualification.
Clicking on a Qualification will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Displays any Fees, Due, Paid or Outstanding.
Click the + icon to Add a new Fees.
Clicking on a Fee will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Gifted & Talented Subjects
Displays Gifted & Talented Subjects.
Click the + icon to Add a new Gifted or Talented Subject.
Clicking on a Subject will give the options to Edit or Delete.
Alternative Provision Details
Displays any Alternative Provision Details.
The Alternative Provisions Panel is found via Students>View Student Details>Enrolment
Click the + icon to Add a new Alternative Provision.
Clicking on an Alternative Provision will give the options to Edit or Delete.
User Defined Fields
Displays User Defined Fields for the Student.
User Defined Fields are created and added from Config > Administration > User Defined Fields