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  3. How To Add Staff Contract information

How To Add Staff Contract information

Northern Ireland

Use this guide to add information to a Staff Contract in the Staff Profile.

Staff Contract Information is particularly in important when running a School Workforce Census (SWF) . See here for Bromcom SWF guidance and for Base Pay Structure guidance see here.

Access: The minimum permissions required to access the Staff Contracts is found in the Framework>Staff Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.


See also: How to create a Contract Document Template and Blank System Set Up for Importing Staff information in bulk.

From the left Menu go to Staff to open the Staff List Page.

Highlight the Staff member, more than one can be selected and click on the View button.

Select Staff

From the Staff Profile options on the left select Contracts.

By default Current Contracts show.

Contracts starting in the future will NOT SHOW in the Current view unless you either tick Show All next to Current. In the example below the 04/09/2023 Start Date is in the future so will not show on Current view.

Show All

Alternatively, if you would like all Contracts to display by Default. you can go to Config>Administration>Administration defaults and tick Show all Contracts by Default and Save.

Show All Contracts by Default>Save

To add a new Contract, click on the blue + in the top right of the Contracts panel to add a new entry.


Add/Edit Contract

Important : Once the Contract is saved, it is not possible to amend the Contract Start Date or Contract Type. If once you have saved the Contract you need to amend either of these fields, you will need to make a note of the Role and Pay information and any other items defined in the Contract and then Delete the incorrect record. You will then be able to create the Contract with the correct information.

All fields marked * are mandatory. 

  • Start Date – This will default to today, change if required
  • Contract Type – Select from the dropdown list
  • Post – Select from the dropdown list
  • SLT – toggle to indicate a member of staff who is part of the Senior Leadership Team

When completed click the Save button.


Once saved you can work your way across the other tabs displayed at the top, Roles, Pay, Payroll information, Suspensions and Working Hours.

Select the tab for Roles, then select the Click to Add New Role to create a new Role.

Roles Tab

Select the required Role from the dropdown list and add a Start Date (and End Date if temporary), then click Save.

The Role will now display as Active.

Active Role


Select the tab for Pay, then select the Click to Add New Pay to create new Pay Details.

Select the required options from the dropdown lists and add a Start Date (and End Date if temporary), then click Save.

If Allow Multiple Regions in Spine Groups is selected in Config>Administration>Administration Defaults then you will have a dropdown choice on Spine Region


The Pay information will now display as Active.

You can also use the Pay section to add TLR ( Teaching and Learning Responsibility)

From the Pay Item Type choose Additional Allowance and then from Payment Type choose Teaching and Learning Responsilibility 3 payments.


Complete other fields as required then click Save.

Payroll Information

Select the tab for Payroll Information, select the required options from the dropdown lists and add a Post Offered Date and Post Accepted Date, then click Save.

Payroll Information


If during the course of employment there are any Suspensions to the Contract, these can be added here. Select the Click to Add New Suspensions. Add a Start Date, End Date and any Notes then click Save.


Delete and Copy

There is also a Delete icon and a Copy icon, allowing an existing Role to be Deleted or Copied and updated.

Selecting a Contract and Delete will give a Confirmation Message, Cancel or Proceed.

Remove a contract

Selecting the Copy icon will allow the selected Contract and its information to be Copied into a new one. An End Date will be given to the Contract being Copied, this will be one day before the Copied Contract Start Date.

Copy Icon

Remember to refresh the screen to see the new copied contract.

Create Contract Document

Using the Create Contract Document icon allows a Document to be saved as a shared document to the Staff member’s Documents section.

Selecting a Contract, and choosing Create Contract Document will give the option to select from a Contract Template or to create the document in the popup from the beginning. Click Next to Preview, and then Save and Generate to finish.

Use this guide to add information to a Staff Contract in the Staff Profile.

Staff Contract Information is particularly in important when running a School Workforce Census (SWF) . See here for Bromcom SWF guidance and for Base Pay Structure guidance see here.

Access: The minimum permissions required to access the Staff Contracts is found in the Framework>Staff Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.


See also: How to create a Contract Document Template and Blank System Set Up for Importing Staff information in bulk.

From the left Menu go to Staff to open the Staff List Page.

Highlight the Staff member, more than one can be selected and click on the View button.

Select Staff

From the Staff Profile options on the left select Contracts.

By default Current Contracts show.

Contracts starting in the future will NOT SHOW in the Current view unless you either tick Show All next to Current. In the example below the 04/09/2023 Start Date is in the future so will now show on Current view.

Show All

Alternatively, if you would like all Contracts to display by Default. you can go to Config>Administration>Administration defaults and tick Show all Contracts by Default and Save.

Show All Contracts by Default>Save

To add a new Contract, click on the blue + in the top right of the Contracts panel to add a new entry.


Add/Edit Contract

Important : Once the Contract is saved, it is not possible to amend the Contract Start Date or Contract Type. If once you have saved the Contract you need to amend either of these fields, you will need to make a note of the Role and Pay information and any other items defined in the Contract and then Delete the incorrect record. You will then be able to create the Contract with the correct information.

All fields marked * are mandatory. 

  • Start Date – This will default to today, change if required
  • Contract Type – Select from the dropdown list
  • Post – Select from the dropdown list
  • SLT – toggle to indicate a member of staff who is part of the Senior Leadership Team

When completed click the Save button.


Once saved you can work your way across the other tabs displayed at the top, Roles, Pay, Payroll information, Suspensions and Working Hours.

Select the tab for Roles, then select the Click to Add New Role to create a new Role.

Roles Tab

Select the required Role from the dropdown list and add a Start Date (and End Date if temporary), then click Save.

The Role will now display as Active.

Active Role


Select the tab for Pay, then select the Click to Add New Pay to create new Pay Details.

Select the required options from the dropdown lists and add a Start Date (and End Date if temporary), then click Save.

If Allow Multiple Regions in Spine Groups is selected in Config>Administration>Administration Defaults then you will have a dropdown choice on Spine Region


The Pay information will now display as Active.

You can also use the Pay section to add TLR ( Teaching and Learning Responsibility)

From the Pay Item Type choose Additional Allowance and then from Payment Type choose Teaching and Learning Responsilibility 3 payments.


Complete other fields as required then click Save.

Payroll Information

Select the tab for Payroll Information, select the required options from the dropdown lists and add a Post Offered Date and Post Accepted Date, then click Save.

Payroll Information


If during the course of employment there are any Suspensions to the Contract, these can be added here. Select the Click to Add New Suspensions. Add a Start Date, End Date and any Notes then click Save.


Delete and Copy

There is also a Delete icon and a Copy icon, allowing an existing Role to be Deleted or Copied and updated.

Selecting a Contract and Delete will give a Confirmation Message, Cancel or Proceed.

Remove a contract

Selecting the Copy icon will allow the selected Contract and its information to be Copied into a new one. An End Date will be given to the Contract being Copied, this will be one day before the Copied Contract Start Date.

Copy Icon

Remember to refresh the screen to see the new copied contract.

Create Contract Document

Using the Create Contract Document icon allows a Document to be saved as a shared document to the Staff member’s Documents section.

Selecting a Contract, and choosing Create Contract Document will give the option to select from a Contract Template or to create the document in the popup from the beginning. Click Next to Preview, and then Save and Generate to finish.

Updated on July 12, 2024

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