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  5. How to Add/Update Students via CTF Import
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  4. How to Add/Update Students via CTF Import

How to Add/Update Students via CTF Import

In this guide, we will show you how to add Students to your system via a CTF Import and how to update Student records with a CTF Import.

Access: The minimum permissions required to access CTF Import are found in the Framework Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.


See also: How to add a new student.

IMPORTANT: CTF Imports match based on UPN Number so if you are using the CTF Import to update information about Existing Students please ensure that the UPN is recorded correctly on the Student Profile before completing the CTF Import.

Note: Throughout this guide we refer to ‘Complete Missing Data‘ and ‘Overwrite Existing Data‘ when referring to using a CTF Import to update information for Students currently on roll. Overwriting will replace the data that is present for that Student in the system with the data included in the CTF where the information is different, so should be approached carefully. While Complete Missing Data will use the CTF data to complete any missing parts of the Student’s record.

To begin, go to the Student List page. You do not need to select any Students.

From the top of the page, select Actions then CTF Import.

Student List Page > Actions

Press Browse to select the CTF file from its location on your PC.


Once you’ve selected the file, use the Tick Boxes to choose which information you want to Import.

Import Options

If you are using the CTF Import to update information for existing students, you will then need to choose whether to Complete Missing Data or Overwirte Existing Data.

This only applies when you are adding data for existing Students so this can be ignored if the CTF does not contain any information regarding your existing Students.

Complete or Overwrite

Complete the remaining information, if you are importing new Students pay particular attention to ensuring the Admision Date is correct, once you’re happy press Next

CTF Import

On the next screen, you will see a summary of the Students you will be importing information for, it will automatically fill whether to Match Existing, Create New or Don’t Import depending on the options you selected on the previous screen. You can change this using the dropdowns on the right hand side if required.

  • Create New – This will create a new Student with a new Admission Number and add the Data contained within the CTF File.
  • Match Existing – This will match to a Student on the MIS, if the data matches you can select the Student from the dropdown list shown bellow. If the MIS recognises matching Student information, it will match the Students automatically.
  • Dont Import – This does not create a new Student.
Import Summary

After you have selected your Import Option, click the Import button to complete the process.

Once the CTF Import is complete you will receive a Success message, click OK.


When a school imports a CTF that includes Free School Meals where a pupil has left another school, acountry badge displaying ENG, SCT, WLS, or NIR, will populate in the Meal & Transport section in the Free School Meals row in the Student Profile. The badge only shows if the UK country in the CTF is different from the receiving school.

Image #1
Meal & Transport Panel

The country badge will also appear in the Meal & Transport popup under the Free School Meals tab when users select Click to Edit FSM Eligibility.

Image #2
FSM Eligibility

In this guide, we will show you how to add Students to your system via a CTF Import and how to update Student records with a CTF Import.

See also: How to add a new student.

Note: Throughout this guide we refer to ‘Complete Missing Data‘ and ‘Overwrite Existing Data‘ when referring to using a CTF Import to update information for Students currently on roll. Overwriting will replace the data that is present for that Student in the system with the data included in the CTF where the information is different, so should be approached carefully. While Complete Missing Data will use the CTF data to complete any missing parts of the Student’s record.

To begin, go to the Student List page. You do not need to select any Students.

From the top of the page, select Actions then CTF Import.

Student List Page > Actions

Press Browse to select the CTF file from its location on your PC.


Once you’ve selected the file, use the Tick Boxes to choose which information you want to Import.

Import Options

If you are using the CTF Import to update information for existing students, you will then need to choose whether to Complete Missing Data or Overwirte Existing Data.

This only applies when you are adding data for existing Students so this can be ignored if the CTF does not contain any information regarding your existing Students.

Complete or Overwrite

Complete the remaining information, if you are importing new Students pay particular attention to ensuring the Admision Date is correct, once you’re happy press Next

Admission Date

On the next screen, you will see a summary of the Students you will be importing information for, it will automatically fill whether to Match Existing, Create New or Don’t Import depending on the options you selected on the previous screen. You can change this using the dropdowns on the right hand side if required.

  • Create New – This will create a new Student with a new Admission Number and add the Data contained within the CTF File.
  • Match Existing – This will match to a Student on the MIS, if the data matches you can select the Student from the dropdown list shown bellow. If the MIS recognises matching Student information, it will match the Students automatically.
  • Dont Import – This does not create a new Student.
Import Summary

After you have selected your Import Option, click the Import button to complete the process.

Once the CTF Import is complete you will receive a Success message, click OK.

Updated on November 1, 2024

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