Note: All pages shown below are subject to having relevant Roles & Permissions.
In this guide, we are going to show five methods that Teaching and Non Teaching Staff can use to take a Register on Bromcom (Secondary). These include;
- Lesson Dashboard
- Overview Dashboard
- Todays Missing Registers
- Groups>Actions>Take Register
- User Timetable
See also: How to take a Register and Different Register Views
The ability to take a Register can vary depending on the Role of the Staff Member and their access within Bromcom.
Teaching Staff who are assigned to Classes and have the Teacher Role on Bromcom, will have the option to take a Register from the moment they log in because they will have access to the Lesson Dashboard.
Non Teaching Staff or Cover Staff will have not have this access but will have various other methods to access a specific Register which will be detailed below.
Lesson Dashboard – Timetable Teachers only
As mentioned above, Teaching Staff can take a Register as soon as they log in because they have access to the Lesson Dashboard.
This is a login screen that only Teaching Staff with the Teacher Role and a Timetabled Lesson will have access to.
Teaching Staff can select which of their Timetabled Groups they wish to take the Register for using the dropdown and press Take Register.
Pressing this will open the Register in a new tab which can then be amended and completed as desired by the Timetabled Teacher.
Overview Dashboard
The method shown above was only for Timetabled Teachers who can use the Lesson Dashboard to take a Register.
The following methods can be used by Non Teaching Staff as well as Teaching Staff.
Upon logging in, Non Teaching Staff will see the Overview Dashboard which looks like this;
On the right there is a Missing Registers Widget, which allows you to access a Register by clicking on one of them.
This Widget will only show Registers if you are timetabled to a Group, for Non Teaching Staff this will appear blank.
You may have been temporarily added to a Group within the Associated Timetable, if this is the case you can use this Widget to access a Register.
Today’s Missing Registers
The next method can be used by all Staff, providing they have access to the Attendance Module.
If so, they can navigate to Modules>Attendance>Todays Missing Registers.
This will load a page containing all of the Registers that are active/required for the current day.
To take a Register on a colleague’s behalf or to see the current status of a Register, find one on this page, right click on it and press Take/Amend Register.
This will open the Register in a new tab, which can then be amended as desired or simply viewed and then Closed.
Note: This is the clearest way to check when a Teacher believes they have completed a Register but it shows as Missing on the Todays Missing Registers page.
Groups>Actions>Take Registers
The next method can again be used by all Staff if they have access to the Groups page.
This method requires going to the Groups page and selecting the desired Teaching Class/Tutor Group.
Once the Group is highlighted, press Actions and then Take Register.
This will open the Register in a new tab which can then be amended as desired.
User Timetable
The final method for Staff to take a Register is to use the User Timetable page and required you to know the name of the Staff Member the Group belongs to (if it is not yourself).
To begin, navigate to Modules>Attendance>User Timetable.
This page is designed to view an individual Staff Member’s Timetable, by default it will load your own Timetable.
Use the Staff dropdown next to Show Timetable of and find the Staff Member you need.
Once their Timetable is showing, click on the Period that you wish to take the Register for and this will open it in a new Tab.
The Register can then be viewed and Closed or amended as desired.