Note: All pages below are subject to having relevant Roles and Permissions.
This page will show you how to view and edit your Parents Evening Appointments.
Any Appointments Booked are automatically added to the Parents Evening in the MIS under Modules > Diary > Diary > Parents Evening. Where you can Manage Bookings, view Outstanding Bookings, Auto Allocate or Reset Allocations from the Actions button.
See also: How To Register and Login to the Teacher App and How To Use the Teacher App and How to Create a Parents Evening.
Once logged in click on the Parents Evening Appointment option.
This will open the Parents Evening Appointment page listing all Parent Evenings associated with the logged in Teacher.
Where there are no bookings the Time Slots will show as Free.
Click on the right facing arrow on the right to Schedule an Appointment or to set the Slot as Not Available.
Click the Set Not Available button to make that Time Slot Not Available. To Schedule an Appointment for a Student click on the Select Student field. This will display a list of Students from your Classes or Tutor Group, select the Student, then click on the Schedule button.
The Not Available or the Schedule will now show on the Parent Evening page.
Click on the red X to the right to remove the content of a Time Slot and make it available again.
Any Bookings made by Parent’s via the MyChildAtSchool Parent Portal will also be displayed on this page.