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  5. How To Use the Performance Management Page [CPD Continuing Professional Development]

How To Use the Performance Management Page [CPD Continuing Professional Development]

Northern Ireland

The Performance Management (Continuing Professional Development) area allows schools to create and track their Staff Members’ objectives and links those objectives to overarching school objectives. Users can also Track Review or Appraisal Meetings, and keep any notes or important documentation that is created.

Access permissions for Staff CPD is located in Framework>Staff>New Staff Details>Performance Managements.


See How to Edit/Delete a Role and its Permissions.

This guide looks at the following Performance Management areas in the Staff Profile;

Also See: How To Maintain the Line Management Structure

Performance Management

From the left Menu go to Staff > select one or more Members of Staff > View > Performance Management.

There are six sections in the main panel, Staff Objectives, Reviews, CPD Activities, CPD: In Service Training and Monitoring Evaluation, Line Managers and Direct Reports and there are currently five static instant information panels on the right hand side.

Staff Objectives

The Staff Objectives panel by default this will display Objectives that are active, tick the Show historical data box to see inactive Objectives as well. The Add and Delete icons are top right of the panel, select a row and click on the Delete icon to Delete that Objective, a Warning Message will be given to Cancel or Proceed.

To Edit an Objective, double click on a row to open the click on the Edit Staff Objective pop-up.

To Add a new Objective click on the + icon to open the Add Staff Objective pop-up with 3 tabs Details, Documents/Evidence and Reviews.

  • Created by – select from the dropdown menu
  • Start Date – is the Start Date the Staff Objective
  • End Date – is the End Date for the Staff Objective
  • Title/Summary – is a entered text up to 100 characters
  • Details – is entered text up to 1,000 characters
  • *Status – is selected from the dropdown list
  • **School Objective – shows the linked School Objective from the dropdown list
  • Success Criteria – is entered text up to 1,000 characters
  • Teacher Standard – is selected from the dropdown list

The Documents/Evidence tab allows Resources and Activities to be uploaded via files using the Browse button.

The Reviews tab lists the Reviews that have been linked to this Objective and is not used when creating the Staff Objective.

*The Staff Objective Status dropdown list will be populated from the Staff Objective Status Lookup Table, Config > Administration > Lookup Tables >Staff Objective Status.

**The School Objective dropdown list is populated from the School Objectives page, Modules > Administration > Performance Management > School Objectives.

Click the New button to add a new School Objective, all fields except the End Date are mandatory, when complete click on the Save button.


The Reviews panel will list the Reviews that have been added, tick the box to Show historical data. The Add and Delete icons are top right of the panel, select a row and click on the Delete icon to Delete that Review, a Warning Message will be given to Cancel or Proceed.

Any Overdue Reviews will display in red with a Warning Message above. Double click on a Review to Edit or click on the + icon to add a new Review. When the Add Review pop-up opens you will see it has two tabs Details and Documents/Evidence.

The Created by field will be filled in automatically and will be the person who is adding the Review and not necessarily the actual Reviewer. Select the Reviewer, Review Date and Review Type, Location, Staff Objectives and Diary Reminder from the dropdown lists and enter a free text Summary of up to a 1,000 characters. Ticking the Add Review to Diary box will add and entry into the Diary for both the Reviewer and the Reviewee. Tick the Complete box when the Review has been completed.

The Documents/Evidence tab will allow Documents and or Evidence to be uploaded using the Browse button. When complete click on the Save button, the Review will now be listed, double click to Edit.

CPD Activities

The CPD Activities panel shows will list the Activities that have been added, tick the box to Show historical data. The Add and Delete icons are top right of the panel, select a row and click on the Delete icon to Delete that Activity, a Warning Message will be given to Cancel or Proceed.

Click the + icon to add a new CPD Activity which will open the Add CPD Activity pop-up with three tabs Details, Documents/Evidence and Training Absences

In the Details tab enter the relevant details.

  • The Type*, Start Date*, End Date* and Summary* are mandatory fields
  • If required enter free text in Details of up to a 1,000 characters, the Time Spent, in hours and the Cost.
  • Ticking the Add Activity to Diary box will add and entry into the Diary.
  • Tick the Complete box when the Activity has been completed.
  • Add an Expiry Date if required.

The Documents/Evidence tab will allow Documents and or Evidence to be uploaded using the Browse button. When complete click on the Save button, the CPD Activity will now be listed, double click to Edit.

Data from the Qualifications > Trainings panel in the Staff Profile has been merged in the CPD Activities Training Absences panel. Changes to note:

  • The Title field in the Staff Profile becomes the Summary field.
  • For migrated data On-Site Learning will populate the Type field.
Image #3

Click to Add New Record and complete the relevant fields then click Save

CPD In Service Training and Monitoring and Evaluation

The CPD: In Service Training & Monitoring and Evaluation panel allows Sessions to be recorded keeping track of Training and Monitoring for that Member of Staff. The Add and Delete icons are top right of the panel, select a row and click on the Delete icon to Delete that Direct Report, a Warning Message will be given to Cancel or Proceed.

Staff Conduct

the Staff Conduct panel will display any Staff Conduct entries. You can Delete a Staff Conduct entry by selecting it and clicking the Bin, and you can Add a new Staff Conduct entry by clicking the + button.

When adding a new Staff Conduct entry, first select the Issue Type from the drop down. (Note: Staff Conduct Issue Types are set up in Lookup Tables, please see How to Edit Lookup Tables for more information.) Then enter the Date the Conduct occurred and if this will expire, enter the Expiry Date. You then have the option to enter any Notes, or attach a document by using the Browse button. Once you’re happy click Save.

Staff Probation

The Staff Probation panel allows you to log any probationary periods. You can Delete a Staff Probation entry by selecting it and clicking the Bin, and you can Add a new Staff Probation entry by clicking the + button.

When adding a new Staff Probation, start by entering all the information on the details panel, enter a Title and a Start and End Date for the probationary period, you also have the option to add any Notes that you would like to include.

In the Documents tab you can attach any related documentation by clicking Browse and selecting the relevant Documents.

In the Meetings tab you can add the details of any Meetings relating to their probationary period by selecting Add New Record.

Enter a Title for the Meeting, the Date it occurred and select the Reviewer from the dropdown. Once you’re happy click Save.

Line Managers

The Line Managers panel will list the Staff member’s Line Managers by default this will display Line Managers for this Academic year, to see all untick the Show managers for only this academic year. The Add and Delete icons are top right of the panel, select a row and click on the Delete icon to Delete that Objective, a Warning Message will be given to Cancel or Proceed.

To Add a Line Manager click on the + icon and select the Member of Staff from the dropdown list.

Once selected their information will be displayed, click the Save button to add them to the Line Managers.

Line Managers added to a Member of Staff from the Modules > Administration > Performance Management > Line Management Structure option will display here as well.

Direct Reports

The Direct Reports panel will list the Staff Member’s Direct Reports by default this will display Direct Reports for this Academic year, to see all untick the Show direct reports for only this academic year. The Add and Delete icons are top right of the panel, select a row and click on the Delete icon to Delete that Direct Report, a Warning Message will be given to Cancel or Proceed.

To Add a Direct Report click on the + icon and select the Member of Staff from the dropdown list.

Once selected their information will be displayed, click the Save button to add them to the Direct Report.

Direct Reports added to a Member of Staff from the Modules > Administration > Performance Management > Line Management Structure option will display here as well.

Right Hand Panel

The Right Hand panel gives an instant view of some of the information from the main panels which you can see at a glance without having to view the panels. These display static data and cannot be edited.

The Performance Management (Continuing Professional Development) area allows schools to create and track their Staff Members’ objectives and links those objectives to overarching school objectives. Users can also Track Review or Appraisal Meetings, and keep any notes or important documentation that is created.

Access permissions for Staff CPD is located in Framework>Staff>New Staff Details>Performance Managements.


See How to Edit/Delete a Role and its Permissions.

This guide looks at the following Performance Management areas in the Staff Profile;

Also See: How To Maintain the Line Management Structure

Performance Management

From the left Menu go to Staff > select one or more Members of Staff > View > Performance Management.

There are six sections in the main panel, Staff Objectives, Reviews, CPD Activities, CPD: In Service Training and Monitoring Evaluation, Line Managers and Direct Reports and there are currently five static instant information panels on the right hand side.

Staff Objectives

The Staff Objectives panel by default this will display Objectives that are active, tick the Show historical data box to see inactive Objectives as well. The Add and Delete icons are top right of the panel, select a row and click on the Delete icon to Delete that Objective, a Warning Message will be given to Cancel or Proceed.

To Edit an Objective, double click on a row to open the click on the Edit Staff Objective pop-up.

To Add a new Objective click on the + icon to open the Add Staff Objective pop-up with 3 tabs Details, Documents/Evidence and Reviews.

  • Created by – select from the dropdown menu
  • Start Date – is the Start Date the Staff Objective
  • End Date – is the End Date for the Staff Objective
  • Title/Summary – is a entered text up to 100 characters
  • Details – is entered text up to 1,000 characters
  • *Status – is selected from the dropdown list
  • **School Objective – shows the linked School Objective from the dropdown list
  • Success Criteria – is entered text up to 1,000 characters
  • Teacher Standard – is selected from the dropdown list

The Documents/Evidence tab allows Resources and Activities to be uploaded via files using the Browse button.

The Reviews tab lists the Reviews that have been linked to this Objective and is not used when creating the Staff Objective.

*The Staff Objective Status dropdown list will be populated from the Staff Objective Status Lookup Table, Config > Administration > Lookup Tables >Staff Objective Status.

**The School Objective dropdown list is populated from the School Objectives page, Modules > Administration > Performance Management > Manage School Objectives and Appraisals.

Click the New button to add a new School Objective, all fields except the End Date are mandatory, when complete click on the Save button.


The Reviews panel will list the Reviews that have been added, tick the box to Show historical data. The Add and Delete icons are top right of the panel, select a row and click on the Delete icon to Delete that Review, a Warning Message will be given to Cancel or Proceed.

Any Overdue Reviews will display in red with a Warning Message above. Double click on a Review to Edit or click on the + icon to add a new Review. When the Add Review pop-up opens you will see it has two tabs Details and Documents/Evidence.

The Created by field will be filled in automatically and will be the person who is adding the Review and not necessarily the actual Reviewer. Select the Reviewer, Review Date and Review Type, Location, Staff Objectives and Diary Reminder from the dropdown lists and enter a free text Summary of up to a 1,000 characters. Ticking the Add Review to Diary box will add and entry into the Diary for both the Reviewer and the Reviewee. Tick the Complete box when the Review has been completed.

The Documents/Evidence tab will allow Documents and or Evidence to be uploaded using the Browse button. When complete click on the Save button, the Review will now be listed, double click to Edit.

CPD Activities

The CPD Activities panel will list the Activities that have been added, tick the box to Show historical data. The Add and Delete icons are top right of the panel, select a row and click on the Delete icon to Delete that Activity, a Warning Message will be given to Cancel or Proceed.

Click the + icon to add a new CPD Activity which will open the Add CPD Activity pop-up with three tabs Details, Documents/Evidence and Training Absences

Select the Type, Start Date, End Date, Summary, Location, Staff Objectives and Diary Reminder from the dropdown lists and enter a free text for Details of up to a 1,000 characters, the Time Spent, in hours and the Cost. Ticking the Add Activity to Diary box will add and entry into the Diary. Tick the Complete box when the Activity has been completed. Add an Expiry Date if required.

The Documents/Evidence tab will allow Documents and or Evidence to be uploaded using the Browse button. When complete click on the Save button, the CPD Activity will now be listed, double click to Edit.

If a Staff Member has been absent for any planned Training you can add these in the Training Absences panel by selecting Add New Record.

Enter all the details for the Absence and click the tick on the right hand side to confirm.

CPD In Service Training and Monitoring and Evaluation

The CPD: In Service Training & Monitoring and Evaluation panel allows Sessions to be recorded keeping track of Training and Monitoring for that Member of Staff. The Add and Delete icons are top right of the panel, select a row and click on the Delete icon to Delete that Direct Report, a Warning Message will be given to Cancel or Proceed.

When adding an entry select the CPD Type from the dropdown, enter the the Activity Name and the Date it took place. You can also enter the Provider name if known. Once you’re happy click Save.

Staff Conduct

the Staff Conduct panel will display any Staff Conduct entries. You can Delete a Staff Conduct entry by selecting it and clicking the Bin, and you can Add a new Staff Conduct entry by clicking the + button.

When adding a new Staff Conduct entry, first select the Issue Type from the drop down. (Note: Staff Conduct Issue Types are set up in Lookup Tables, please see How to Edit Lookup Tables for more information.) Then enter the Date the Conduct occurred and if this will expire, enter the Expiry Date. You then have the option to enter any Notes, or attach a document by using the Browse button. Once you’re happy click Save.

Staff Probation

The Staff Probation panel allows you to log any probationary periods. You can Delete a Staff Probation entry by selecting it and clicking the Bin, and you can Add a new Staff Probation entry by clicking the + button.

When adding a new Staff Probation, start by entering all the information on the details panel, enter a Title and a Start and End Date for the probationary period, you also have the option to add any Notes that you would like to include.

In the Documents tab you can attach any related documentation by clicking Browse and selecting the relevant Documents.

In the Meetings tab you can add the details of any Meetings relating to their probationary period by selecting Add New Record.

Enter a Title for the Meeting, the Date it occurred and select the Reviewer from the dropdown. Once you’re happy click Save.

Line Managers

The Line Managers panel will list the Staff member’s Line Managers by default this will display Line Managers for this Academic year, to see all untick the Show managers for only this academic year. The Add and Delete icons are top right of the panel, select a row and click on the Delete icon to Delete that Objective, a Warning Message will be given to Cancel or Proceed.

To Add a Line Manager click on the + icon and select the Member of Staff from the dropdown list.

Once selected their information will be displayed, click the Save button to add them to the Line Managers.

Line Managers added to a Member of Staff from the Modules > Administration > Performance Management > Line Management Structure option will display here as well.

Direct Reports

The Direct Reports panel will list the Staff Member’s Direct Reports by default this will display Direct Reports for this Academic year, to see all untick the Show direct reports for only this academic year. The Add and Delete icons are top right of the panel, select a row and click on the Delete icon to Delete that Direct Report, a Warning Message will be given to Cancel or Proceed.

To Add a Direct Report click on the + icon and select the Member of Staff from the dropdown list.

Once selected their information will be displayed, click the Save button to add them to the Direct Report.

Direct Reports added to a Member of Staff from the Modules > Administration > Performance Management > Line Management Structure option will display here as well.

Right Hand Panel

The Right Hand panel gives an instant view of some of the information from the main panels which you can see at a glance without having to view the panels. These display static data and cannot be edited.

Updated on July 11, 2024

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