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  4. 12 Must Try Attendance Reports in Bromcom
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  3. 12 Must Try Attendance Reports in Bromcom

12 Must Try Attendance Reports in Bromcom

In this guide, we are going to list 12 Attendance Reports that will help you carry out a number of Attendance related tasks and provide you with various options for obtaining Student Attendance data in Bromcom. For example to access the Official Register Report go to Reports>Attendance>Individual>Attendance Certificate Report

Access: The minimum permissions required to access the Attendance Reports are found in the Attendance Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.

Attendance Reports

See also:

All of the Reports discussed here can be found by going to Reports > Attendance.

Attendance Reports

1. All/Own Attendance Statistics Report – This Report provides a list of individual Students and their % Attendance with a Summary at the bottom.

Reports > Attendance > Weekly > All/Own Attendance Statistics Report

This report can display lists of children by

  • Groups (Dis,EAL etc)
  • Tutor groups
  • Year Groups
  • Houses
  • Classes
  • Report Groups

All of these can also be filtered by year group, house, department, faculty. Once you’re happy click Preview.

2. AM/PM Attendance Analysis Report – This Report provides an overview of Student AM/PM Marks, displayed in Gender and broken down into Present and Absent Totals.

Reports > Attendance > Summary > AM/PM Attendance Analysis Report

This report can display overall analysis of

  • Groups (Dis,EAL etc)
  • Tutor groups
  • Year Groups
  • Houses
  • Classes
  • Report Groups

All of these can also be filtered by year group, house, department and faculty. Once you’re happy with your selections click Preview.

3. AM/PM Attendance Summaries Report – This Report provides Present, Authorised and Unauthorised Percentage by Group, with a Total percentage of each column at the bottom.

Reports > Attendance>Summary > AM/PM Attendance Summaries Report

This report can display analysis of:

  • Groups (Dis,EAL etc)
  • Tutor groups
  • Year Groups
  • Houses
  • Classes
  • Report Groups

All of these can also be filtered by year group, house, department, faculty

At the bottom is gives an overall % of the displayed attendance. Once you’re happy with your selections click Preview.

4. School Summary Report – The School Summary Report provides a detailed breakdown of Student and School data, which includes Attendance data broken down by Group and Absent, Late and Present.

Reports > Administration > School Summary Report

For more information on the School Summary Report please see How to use the School Summary Report

5. Attendance and Punctuality Report – This Report provides Attendance Percentage and the Number of Lates by Group, further broken down in to compulsory and non compulsory Students.

Reports > Attendance > Summary > Attendance and Punctuality Report

Once you’ve made your selections in the Report Parameters click Preview.

6. Attendance Certificate Report – This Report provides a detailed Attendance Certificate within a chosen date range for each Student selected.

Reports > Attendance > Individual > Attendance Certificate Report

Once you’ve made your selections in the Report Parameters click Preview.

7. Attendance History – This Report provides a list of Students and a breakdown of their Attendance for the chosen date range.

Reports > Attendance> Summary > Attendance History

Once you’ve made your selections in the Report Parameters click Preview.

8. Attendance Percentage – This Report provides the Attendance Percentage of individual Groups, further broken down by Year Groups.

Reports>Attendance>Summary>Attendance Percentage

The default parameters when opening this report are as below;

  • Day Start is the start of the academic year, this is an example so the Day Start may be different in your MIS.
  • Day End is todays date
  • Date for age 5 and Above and Date for Under 16
Default Parameters

Click Preview for this example output;

Example Attendance Percentage Report

If you change the Report By To Group you can then choose the Groups you wish to report on, in this example System Generated Groups have been chosen and Breakdown by has been changed to None.

Report by Group

This gives the following example output;

Report by Group

9. Register Audit Report – This Report provides you with an Audit of changes made to a Student or Group’s Attendance, identifying the User that made the changes and when.

Reports > Attendance > Audit > Register Audit

Once you’ve made your selections in the Report Parameters click Preview.

10. Commented Attendance –This Report provides a list of all Students with Attendance Comments for the chosen date range.

Reports > Attendance > Audit > Commented Attendance

Once you’ve made your selections in the Report Parameters click Preview.

11. Lateness by Student – This Report provides an individual Student profile, which includes all occasions they were Late and by how many minutes.

Reports > Attendance > Attendance Code Analysis > Lateness by Student

Once you’ve made your selections in the Report Parameters click Preview.

12. Blank Registers – This Report provides Blank copies of registers for selected Groups.

Reports > Attendance > Attendance > Blank Registers

Once you’ve made your selections in the Report Parameters click Preview.

Updated on July 26, 2024

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