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  4. School Census Error 2125

School Census Error 2125

Use this guide to resolve School Census Error 2125

Error 2125:

  • DfE Validation:
  • For Spring: For <Phase> equals ‘PR’ and ‘SP’
    If <SENprovision> equals ‘N’, then <SENtypeRank> and <SENtype> should not be present

    For <Phase> equals ‘NS’, ‘PS’, ‘MP’, ‘MS’, ‘SS’, ‘AT’
    If <SENprovision> equals ‘N’, then <SENtypeRank> and <SENtype> should not be present and <SENunitIndicator> and <ResourcedProvisionIndicator> should not be set to true

    For Summer and Autumn: For <Phase> equals ‘NS’, ‘PS’, ‘MP’, ‘MS’, ‘SS’, ‘AT’
    If <SENprovision> equals ‘N’, then <SENunitIndicator> and <ResourcedProvisionIndicator> should not be set to true
  • Explanation:
School Phases
  • Spring:
    • if your school phase = PR ( Pupil Referral Unit ) or SP (Special)
      • Then from Student Profile>Special Educational Needs> if SEN Provision = N then in Special Needs Priority and Type must not be present>Save
    • if your school phase = NS ( Nursery), PS ( Primary) MP ( Middle Deemed Primary) , MS ( Middle Deemed Secondary), SS (Secondary) or AT ( All Through)
      • Then from Student Profile>Special Educational Needs> if SEN Provision = N then in Special Needs Priority and Type must not be present and in Additional Information Member of Resourced Provision and Special Class Unit should NOT be ticked. Save
  • Summer & Autumn :
    • if your school phase = NS ( Nursery) , PS (Primary) , MP ( Middle Deemed Primary) , MS ( Middle Deemed Secondary) , SS ( Secondary) or AT ( All Through)
      • Then from Student Profile>Special Educational Need>If SEN Provision = N then in Additional Information both Member of Resourced Provision and Member of Special Class/Unit should NOT be ticked>Save

For further guidance on Bromcom Census see here


In the Student Profile from the top right All drop down select Special Educational Needs

Student Pathway

Then in the Special Educational Needs panel click on the SEN record

In the Special Needs tab check information on Priority or Type of Need

In the Additional Information check ticks for Member of Resourced Provision and Special Class/Unit

Additional Information

IMPORTANT in order for the resolved error/query to be removed from the list of errors/queries you would need to generate a new Census return and remember to use save & validate for the errors/queries to update/clear.

Updated on February 22, 2024

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