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  4. School Census Query 1893Q

School Census Query 1893Q

Use this guide to resolve School Census Query 1893Q


DfE Validation:

  • Pupils On Roll only: Where present, the sum of [<QualHrsPreviousYear> and <Non_qualHrsPreviousYear>] is less than 40 hours
  • Pupils Off Roll only: Where at least one learning aim has a <LearningActualEndDate> on or before the 2024-07-31 the sum of [<QualHrsPreviousYear> and <Non_qualHrsPreviousYear>] is less than 40 hours
  • Please check: The sum of previous year’s planned learning hours and the previous year’s planned employability, enrichment and pastoral hours is lower than 40.  Total previous year’s planned hours should reflect the annual planned hours for the previous academic year


  • On roll Students: go to Modules>Census>Learning Hours Maintenance>Academic Year>Previous Year>Choose Students>Go. Check the Qual Hours and Non Qualification Hours columns are correct, these are expected to be more than 40 in total.
  • Off roll Students: if a Learning Aim has an actual end date on or before 31/07/2023 then the total of the Qual Hours and Non Qual Hours columns in (Modules>Census>Learning Hours Maintenance>Previous Year>Select Off Roll Students) is expected to total more than 40.
  • The Previous year’s planned hours are collected for all post-16 students who were on roll in the previous academic year and in national curriculum year 12 or above, including those who started at the school after the previous autumn census day, see DfE table below.
  • If the Learning Hours columns are correct please send a return level note with Collect.
On roll in the previous academic year and in NC year 12 or above On roll in the current academic year and in NC year 12 or above Data Required
YesYes Previous year and existing current year fields populated
NoYesOnly existing current year fields populated
YesNoOnly previous year fields populated

Read Guidance:


Go to Modules>Census>Learning Hours Maintenance


Change the Academic Year drop down to the previous year, in this example this is 22/23. Click on the blue find to open the Student Selector List and select the Students>Done.

Click Go

Select Year>Students.Go

Check the hours in the Qual Hours and Non Qual Hours are correct. Bromcom is unable to advise on what hours to input.


Learning Hours Maintenance

IMPORTANT in order for the resolved error/query to be removed from the list of errors/queries you would need to generate a new Census return and remember to use save & validate for the errors/queries to update/clear.

Updated on July 24, 2024

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