Use this guide to resolve School Census Queries 1998Q & 1999Q
Error 1998Q:
DfE Validation:
- <Non_qualHrs> is greater than or equal to 1 but <QualHrs> equal zero
- Please check: The pupil has planned employability, enrichment and pastoral hours but no planned learning hours
Error 1999Q:
DfE Validation:
- Where count of pupils with <QualHrs> is greater than or equal to 1 then there should be at least one pupil with <Non_qualHrs> greater than or equal to 1
- Please check: No pupils have planned employability, enrichment and pastoral hours
- Go to Modules>Census>Learning Hours Maintenance and choose current academic year>Students>Go. Then check the Qual Hours and Non Qual Hours columns as the Students identified are showing has having a value greater than zero in the Non Qual Hours and Zero in the Qual Hours for 1998Q and vice versa for 1999Q.
- See How to Manage Learning Hours. It is expected that if Non Qual Hours is greater than zero then Qual Hours would be greater than zero and vice versa.
- Bromcom is unable to give advise on what hours information to include.
Read Guidance:
- For further guidance on Bromcom Census see here
Go to Modules>Census>Learning Hours Maintenance

Then from the drop down choose the Current Academic Year, then click the blue find button to select the Students identified (or type in the Student name if just one Student) >Go

Check the hours in the Non Qual Hours and Qual Hours columns are correct>Save

IMPORTANT in order for the resolved error/query to be removed from the list of errors/queries you would need to generate a new Census return and remember to use save & validate for the errors/queries to update/clear.