Use this guide to resolve School Census Errors 3005 & 3015
Error 3005:
DfE Validation:
- Where pupils have at least one <LearningAim> node, <MathsGCSEPriorAttainmentYear11> must be present and a valid value
- The stage at which the learner achieved a Maths GCSE at grade ‘A*’-‘C’ / ‘9’ – ‘4’ or not is missing or invalid
Error 3015:
DfE Validation:
- Where pupils have at least one <LearningAim> node, <EnglishGCSEPriorAttainmentYear11> must be present and a valid value
- The stage at which the learner achieved a English GCSE at grade ‘A*’-‘C’ / ‘9’ – ‘4’ or not is missing or invalid
- Error 3005: If a Student has at least one Learning Aim then Maths Year Awarded must be present in Modules>Census>Student Prior Attainment>All Post 16>Go>Maths Year Awarded>Save
- Error 3015: If a Student has at least one Learning Aim then English Year Awarded must be present in Modules>Census>Student Prior Attainment>All Post 16.Go>English Year Awarded>Save
Read Guidance:
- See How to Set Student Prior Attainment
- For further guidance on Bromcom Census see here
- See below for DfE guidance on Code and Description for Prior Attainment Year 11

To update Prior Attainment in bulk go to Modules>Census>Student Prior Attainment.

On this page you can select the relevant Academic Year and search for individual Students with the blue spy glass or Find Incomplete Students which will provide you with all Students that are missing their Maths/English Prior Attainment.
You will also need to ensure that the Prior Attainment is in place both for the Current Year, and the Previous Year (i.e. in 23/24, you must also have 22/23 completed)

Once you have your Students selected, you can either select Update from Exams or highlight Students and select Bulk Update.

Note: The Update from Exams function will only work if the Students were at your School and sat the Exams at your School for these Subjects as an Internal Candidate.
Bulk Update allows you to enter a Grade and Year Award for the Students on the following screen;

Once the data has been entered, press Apply. This will return you to the original screen where you would then press Save to store the Prior Attainment.

IMPORTANT in order for the resolved error/query to be removed from the list of errors/queries you would need to generate a new Census return and remember to use save & validate for the errors/queries to update/clear.