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  4. School Census Queries 3020, 3025, 3027, 3030, 3035 & 3037

School Census Queries 3020, 3025, 3027, 3030, 3035 & 3037

Use this guide to resolve the following School Census Queries 3020, 3025, 3027, 3030, 3035 and 3037


Query 3020Q

  • DfE Validation: Where <MathsGCSEHighestPriorAttainment> is present and the grade equals ‘D’-‘G’ / ‘3’-‘1’, ‘U’ or ‘NR’ <MathsGCSEFundingExemption> should not equal ‘N’
  • Explanation: Please check: Maths GCSE grade achieved is ‘D’-‘G’ / ‘3’-‘1’,  ‘U’ or ‘NR’ and the student is recorded as not having a funding exemption. If the student is not undertaking a valid maths qualification that meets the condition of funding or you have not recorded this re-take in the student’s learning aim record,  they may have funding removed for being non-compliant with the condition of funding.”
  • Tip: Where a Student has not achieved a grade of C or 4 or above, it would be expected for them to have a learning aim to show they’re retaking this subject or an exception from this information being returned. If neither is the case, then please add a return level note to Collect to explain the Student didn’t meet the expected result.

Query 3030Q

  • DfE Validation: Where <EnglishGCSEHighestPriorAttainment> is present and the grade equals ‘D’-‘G’ / ‘3’-‘1’, ‘U’ or ‘NR’ <EnglishGCSEFundingExemption> should not equal ‘N’
  • Explanation: Please check:  English GCSE grade achieved is ‘D’-‘G’ / ‘3’-‘1’,  ‘U’ or ‘NR’ and the student is recorded as not having a funding exemption. If the student is not undertaking a valid English qualification that meets the condition of funding or you have not recorded this re-take in the student’s learning aim record,  they may have funding removed for being non-compliant with the condition of funding.”
  • Tip: Where a Student has not achieved a grade of C or 4 or above, it would be expected for them to have a learning aim to show they’re retaking this subject or an exception from this information being returned. If neither is the case, then please add a return level note to Collect to explain the Student didn’t meet the expected result.

Query 3025Q

  • DfE Validation: Where <MathsGCSEFundingExemption> is ‘L’ or ‘F’ <MathsGCSEHighestPriorAttainment> should not be ‘A*’-‘C’ / ‘9’-‘4’
  • Explanation: Please check: Students that have achieved A*-C or 9-4 in Maths would not be expected to have a funding exception recorded. If this is correct, please add a return level note to Collect to explain, else, please remove the exemption. 

Query 3035Q

  • DfE Validation: Where <EnglishGCSEFundingExemption> is ‘L’ or ‘F’ <EnglishGCSEHighestPriorAttainment> should not be ‘A*’-‘C’ / ‘9’-‘4’
  • Explanation: Please check: Students that have achieved A*-C or 9-4 in English would not be expected to have a funding exception recorded. If this is correct, please add a return level note to Collect to explain, else, please remove the exemption. 

Query 3027Q

  • DfE Validation: Where <MathsGCSEFundingExemption> is equal to ‘O’ or ‘U’ <MathsGCSEHighestPriorAttainment> should be NR
  • Explanation: Please check: If student has maths GCSE funding exemption of ‘O’ or ‘U’, the highest prior attainment should be NR

Query 3037Q

  • DfE Validation:Where <EnglishGCSEFundingExemption> is equal to ‘O’ or ‘U’ <EnglishGCSEHighestPriorAttainment> should be NR
  • Explanation : Please check: If student has English GCSE funding exemption of ‘O’ or ‘U’, the highest prior attainment should be NR

See below for DfE information on Maths and English exemption Codes and Descriptions.

Exemption Codes

Read Guidance


To check the Students identified Exemption codes and/or their Prior Attainment GCSE grades in English or Maths go to Modules>Census> Student Prior Attainment


Check the Exempt Reason and/or the Highest Grade columsn in Student Prior Attainment panel is correct for the Students identified, the example below shows English GCSE, scroll to the right of the screen to see Maths GCSE information.

You can use the filter cups in the column headers to further filter the panel.

Exemption Example

If you make any amendments in the Student Prior Attainment screen remember to click Save.

IMPORTANT : in order for the resolved error/query to be removed from the list of errors/queries you would need to generate a new Census return and remember to use save & validate for the errors/queries to update/clear.

Updated on February 22, 2024

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