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School Census Error 1992

Use this article to resolve School Census Error 1992

  • DfE Validation; The sum of [<QualHrs> and <Non_qualHrs>] must be greater than zero where pupils have at least one <LearningAim> node where <LearningActualEndDate> is blank or after 2024-07-31 and <ProgType> is equal to ‘01’ or ‘30’
  • Explanation :Pupil has at least one learning aim which has been active during the current year but there are no planned learning hours recorded for the current academic year

Related Guide: How to use Bulk Learning Aim Update

Troubleshooting 1 – Current Students

Access: In order to update Learning Hours you will need access to Learning Hours Maintenance within the Census Module > Routines > Learning Hours Maintenance of Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions


For current students check their Planned Learning Hours via Modules > Census > Learning Hours Maintenance. Hours can be updated here.


Troubleshooting 2 – Leaver Students

Access: In order to update Learning Aims in bulk you will need access to Bulk Learning Aims Update within the Curriculum Module > Student Post 16 > Bulk Learning Aim Update of Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions


For leaver students, you would need to check their Learning Aim end dates. If these are after 31/07/24, the system will be expecting hours after this date. The dates may need to be amended inline with the DFE Validation. These can be amended in bulk via Modules > Curriculum > Bulk Learning Aim Update.


Important: Once any changes have been made, you will need to create a new Census return completing save and validate, to retrieve the amendments and clear the error/query.

Updated on July 23, 2024

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