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School Census Error 2870

Use this guide to resolve School Census Error 2870

DfE Validation: For pupils on roll, if <NCyearActual> is > 11 and if <EnrolStatus> equals ‘C’ ‘F’, ‘O’ or ‘M’ then Programme Aims for the current academic year (<ProgrammeActualEndDate> not present or after 2024-07-31) must be present

DfE Explanation: Programme aims for the current academic year must be submitted for a pupil in year 12 or above with single or main registration at the school

Access:  the minimum permissions required to access Programme Aims is found in the Curriculum Module > Student Post 16 > Manage Programme Aims from Config>Set Up>Roles and Permissions.


See also: How To Manage Programme Aims

For this error, students in Y12 and Y13 require Programme Aims to be submitted for the current academic year.


If the Post 16 Programme Aim exists please check the start date of the Student’s Year Group and the start date of the Programme Aim.

Example 1: Current Y13 student, whose start date of Y12 is 01/09/2022. Their Programme Aim start date is 28/08/2022, effectively before they were classed as a Post 16 student. The Programme Aim start date would need to align with their entry into Post 16, either on or after their entry date.

Checking Year Group Membership dates via Student’s Profile > Enrolment > Year Group Membership(s).

Year Group Membership Start Date

Checking Programme Aim start date via Student’s Profile > Enrolment > Programme Aims.

Programme Aims

Example 2: Student start date of Y12 is 01/09/2023. Their Programme Aim start date is 27/08/2023, effectively before they were classed as a Post 16 student. The Programme Aim start date would need to align with their entry into Post 16, either on or after their entry date.

Year Group Membership
Programme Aims

Use the How to Manage Programme Aims guide to update the Programme Aim start date to reflect their start date within the Year Group.

Important: Once any changes have been made, you will need to create a new Census return completing save and validate, to retrieve the amendments and clear the error/query.

Updated on July 23, 2024

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