This guide will show you how to update information such as their SEN Status, Special Needs and Gifted and Talented. You can then Add a Review to the Special Need with Review Dates, Notes and Attachments.
Access: The minimum permissions required to follow the steps in this guide is found in the Framework Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.
Click here for the New Student guide.
Start from the Student List Page and select the Student who’s SEN information you wish to update.
Once they are highlighted blue, click View.
The Student’s Profile will open.
Select Special Educational Needs from the left hand menu.
Click the + Icon in the top right hand corner of the SEN Details panel, 4 options will appear, select the area you would like to update.
Here you update the SEN Provision – these codes are not editable, and the Broad Area of Need – these can be updated in the Look Ups.
Please click Here for support with updating Look Ups.
When adding a new Special Education Need, Start Date and SEN Provision are required fields. You must Add an End Date to the original record before a new SEN Provision can be added.
Click Save.
Add a Review
Once you have added the SEN Details you can Add a Review to the Special Need with Notes and the ability to add Attachment(s) for example you can use this for an EHCP outcome.
Click on the spy glass in the EHCP SEN and then Click the + to Add a New Review.
From here you can add a Review Date, Notes and click the Attach Icon to add Attachment(s).
Special Needs
Here you are able to add their Type of Need and the Priority. The Type of Need is a dropdown that cannot be edited.
You must also add a Start Date, if a Special Need ends then you can come back in here and add an End Date.
Click Save.
Gifted and Talented
if a Student is identified as being Gifted and Talented you can record it here by adding the Date when they became Gifted and Talented.
Click Save.
Additional Information
For more information on this area please click here.
SEN Document List
The SEN Document List will display any Documents with the Document Type SEN. You can add a new one by clicking the + button in the top right hand corner of the panel.
Select the Document Status Type from the drop down:
- Public – Anyone with access to this area of Bromcom will be able to see Public documents.
- Private – The document will only be visible to the User that uploaded it.
- Confidential – Only people with the permission ‘Staff Access To Confidential Documents’ will be able to access Confidential documents. This permission can be found in Config > Setup > Roles and Permissions within the Framework module.
Then click Select Files, select the file to be uploaded. Once you’re happy click Save.
The document will then display in the SEN Document List.
This guide will show you how to update information such as their SEN Status, Special Needs and Gifted and Talented. You can then Add a Review to the Special Need with Review Dates, Notes and Attachments.
Click here for the New Student guide.
Start from the Student List Page and select the Student who’s SEN information you wish to update.
Once they are highlighted blue, click View.
The Student’s Profile will open.
Select Special Educational Needs from the left hand menu.
Click the + Icon in the top right hand corner of the SEN Details panel, 3 options will appear, select the area you would like to update.
SEN Stage & Category
The SEN Stage & Category tab will display any previously added SEN details, click Add New Stage to add new information.
Select a SEN Stage from the drop down and select a Start Date. You also have the option to add any required Notes and an End Date if known. Once you’re happy, click the Tick on the far right to save.
Once you’ve saved SEN Stage information the SEN Category panel will open. Click Add New Category.
Select the SEN Category from the drop down and enter a Start Date, you also have the option to add any Notes and an End Date if known. Once you’re happy click the Tick on the far right.
If you have added more than one Category you can change their Priority by clicking and holding the grid icon on the left and then dragging it into the right position.
The Priority number won’t update straight away, once you’re happy click Save and the Priorities will update.
There is a SEN History toggle in the top right hand corner of the panel. If this is turned on then the SEN Stage & Category panel will display only Ended SEN Stage Details and Ended SEN Category Details.
Adding, editing, and deleting SEN Stage record rules:
Adding a new SEN Stage record
- The Start Date of the new record must not clash with any existing SEN Stage record. If this occurs, the user will see the following message: “The date range you have entered overlaps with an existing stage record. Please adjust the dates to avoid conflict.”.
Editing an existing SEN Stage record
- Only one record can exist in a certain date range. The Start Date or End Date of the record must not overlap with another SEN Stage record. If this occurs, the user will see the following message “The date range you have entered overlaps with an existing stage record. Please adjust the dates to avoid conflict”.
Deleting an existing SEN Stage record
- The user cannot delete a record when there is an overlapping SEN Category record. The user will see this message: “Cannot delete the selected SEN Stage because one or more SEN Categories are still active” when one of the following occurs:
- The overlapping SEN Category has a start date within the date range of the SEN Stage record being deleted.
- The overlapping SEN Category has an end date that is null or extends beyond the end date of the SEN Stage record being deleted.
- The user can delete a SEN Stage record when there is no active SEN Category.
Adding, editing, and deleting SEN Category record rules:
Adding a new SEN Category record
- The Start Date of the new record cannot be earlier than the Start Date of any overlapping SEN Stage record. If this occurs, the user will see the following message “Category start date cannot be earlier than the start date of the any SEN Stage”.
- When an existing SEN Category is already recorded and active (i.e., no End Date is assigned), the system will not allow the same record to be added. If this occurs, the user will see the following message “Action not allowed: An active record already exists for this SEN Category. Please deactivate the existing category first or choose a different category.”
Editing an existing SEN Category
- All fields are editable except Priority. To change the priority of the Active Categories, the record must be moved up & down with drag and drop functionality.
Deleting an existing SEN Category
- When attempting to delete a record, the user will see the following message: “Are you sure you wish to remove this SEN Category record permanently?” If the user decides to proceed, the priority order of the category records will be updated.
Specialist Provision
In the SEN Details panel, click the + button in the top right hand corner and select Specialist Provision.
Click on Click to Add New Specialist Provision.
First select the type of Specialist Provision from the Specialist Provision Dropdown.
Next enter a Start Date for the Specialist Provision, if you know the End Date you can also enter it here however this is not a mandatory field.
In the bottom half of the pop-up you have the option to add People Involved. Click Add New.
First select the Role from the dropdown. The option you select here will decide which people are available to you to select in the Name field.
Note: If you select Agent in the dropdown, only Agents that are linked to the Student through the Linked Agents panel on the Profile page of the Students Profile and have Sen Link ticked will be listed.
Next, select the Name and Relationship Type from the drop downs and then enter a Start Date for their relationship with the Student. You also have the option to add an End Date if you know it however this is not mandatory. Once you’re happy click Save.
The person you have added will then display in the table. Continue adding people until you have all the People Involved listed. Once you’re happy click Save.
The Specialist Provision will then display in the bottom half of the SEN Details panel.
SEN Document List
The SEN Document List will display any Documents with the Document Type SEN. You can add a new one by clicking the + button in the top right hand corner of the panel.
Select the Document Status Type from the drop down:
- Public – Anyone with access to this area of Bromcom will be able to see Public documents.
- Private – The document will only be visible to the User that uploaded it.
- Confidential – Only people with the permission ‘Staff Access To Confidential Documents’ will be able to access Confidential documents. This permission can be found in Config > Setup > Roles and Permissions within the Framework module.
Then click Select Files, select the file to be uploaded. Once you’re happy click Save.
The document will then display in the SEN Document List.
This guide will show you how to update information such as their SEN Status, Special Needs and Gifted and Talented. You can then Add a Review to the Special Need with Review Dates, Notes and Attachments.
Access: The minimum permissions required to follow the steps in this guide is found in the Framework Module of Config>Setup>Roles & Permissions.
Click here for the New Student guide.
Start from the Student List Page and select the Student who’s SEN information you wish to update.
Once they are highlighted blue, click View.
The Student’s Profile will open.
Select Special Educational Needs from the left hand menu.
Click the + Icon in the top right hand corner of the SEN Details panel, 4 options will appear, select the area you would like to update.
Here you update the SEN Provision – these codes are not editable, and the Broad Area of Need – these can be updated in the Look Ups.
Please click Here for support with updating Look Ups.
When adding a new Special Education Need, Start Date and SEN Provision are required fields. You must Add an End Date to the original record before a new SEN Provision can be added.
Click Save.
Add a Review
Once you have added the SEN Details you can Add a Review to the Special Need with Notes and the ability to add Attachment(s) for example you can use this for an EHCP outcome.
Click on the spy glass in the EHCP SEN and then Click the + to Add a New Review.
From here you can add a Review Date, Notes and click the Attach Icon to add Attachment(s).
Special Needs
Here you are able to add their Type of Need and the Priority. The Type of Need is a dropdown that cannot be edited.
You must also add a Start Date, if a Special Need ends then you can come back in here and add an End Date.
Click Save.
Gifted and Talented
if a Student is identified as being Gifted and Talented you can record it here by adding the Date when they became Gifted and Talented.
Click Save.
Additional Information
For more information on this area please click here.
SEN Document List
The SEN Document List will display any Documents with the Document Type SEN. You can add a new one by clicking the + button in the top right hand corner of the panel.
Select the Document Status Type from the drop down:
- Public – Anyone with access to this area of Bromcom will be able to see Public documents.
- Private – The document will only be visible to the User that uploaded it.
- Confidential – Only people with the permission ‘Staff Access To Confidential Documents’ will be able to access Confidential documents. This permission can be found in Config > Setup > Roles and Permissions within the Framework module.
Then click Select Files, select the file to be uploaded. Once you’re happy click Save.
The document will then display in the SEN Document List.