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  4. School Census Error 1889, 1894, 1895 & 1896

School Census Error 1889, 1894, 1895 & 1896

Use this guide to resolve School Census Errors 1889,1894,1895 & 1896

Error 1889:

  • DfE Validation: The sum of [<QualHrsPreviousYear> and <Non_qualHrsPreviousYear>] must not be greater than 4,000 hours
  • Explanation: Go to Modules>Census>Learning Hours Maintenance>Previous Year and select the Students identified then check the 4 columns Qual Hours + Non Qual Hours + T Level Qual Hours + T Level Non Qual Hours MUST NOT TOTAL more than 4000 hours.
  • Tip: Previous Academic Year data is required for Students who were on roll in the previous academic year and in NC year 12 or above

Error 1894:

  • DfE Validation: The sum of [<TLevelQualHrs> and <TLevelNon_qualHrs>] must be greater than zero where pupils have at least one <LearningAim> node where <LearningStartDate> is blank or after 2023-07-31 and <ProgType> is  equal to ’31’
  • Explanation: Via Modules > Census > Learning Hours – the “T Level Qual Hours” and “T Level Non-Qual Hours” must total more more than 0 where a Student has a Learning Aim of type: T-Level. 

Error 1895:

  • DfE Validation: The sum of [<TLevelQualHrs> and <TLevelNon_qualHrs>] must not be greater than zero if there are no <LearningAim> nodes present with a <ProgType> of ’31’
  • Explanation: Via Modules > Census > Learning Hours – the “T Level Qual Hours” and “T Level Non-Qual Hours” must NOT total more more than 0 where a Student does not has a Learning Aim of type: T-Level. 

Error 1896:

  • DfE Validation: Where the sum of [<TLevelQualHrs> and <TLevelNon_qualHrs>] and [<QualHrs> and <Non_qualHrs>] are both greater than zero, the pupil must have a <ProgrammeAim> with <ProgType> ’31’ and a <ProgrammeAim> with <ProgType> ’01’ or ’30’
  • Explanation: Where a Student is returning BOTH T-Level and Qual Hours, the Student must have BOTH a T-Level Programme Aim and 16-19 Programme Aim. 

IMPORTANT : We are unable to provide guidance on what hours are to be entered.

Read Guidance

  • Please see the related DFE Census Data Items Guidance here.
  • For further Bromcom guidance on Learning Hours see Learning Hours Maintenance
  • For further guidance on Bromcom Census see here


Go to Modules>Census>Learning Hours Maintenance


Choose the required Academic Year and then select the Students and then check the 4 columns Qual Hours, Non Qual Hours , T Level Qual Hours and T Level Non Qual Hours are correct for the identified Students.

Remember to click Save if you make any amendments.

IMPORTANT in order for the resolved error/query to be removed from the list of errors/queries you would need to generate a new Census return and remember to use save & validate for the errors/queries to update/clear.

Updated on February 22, 2024

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