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School Census Query 2485

Use this guide to resolve School Census Query 2485

DfE Validation:

  • Autumn If <AttendanceReason> = E there should be at least one exclusion or suspension record with a <StartDate> between 2024-04-01 and 2024-05-26 inclusive
  • Spring  If <AttendanceReason> = E there should be at least one exclusion or suspension record with a <StartDate> between 2024-08-01 and 2024-12-31 inclusive
  • Summer  If <AttendanceReason> = E there should be at least one exclusion or suspension record with a <StartDate> between 2025-01-01 and 2025-04-20 inclusive

DfE Explanation:

  • Pupil attendance indicates they are suspended or permanently excluded but no suspension or permanent exclusion is recorded.
CensusSuspensions or permanent exclusions
Autumn 2024All suspensions and permanent exclusions with start dates between 2024-01-01 and 2024-07-31
Spring 2025All suspensions and permanent exclusions with start dates between 2024-04-01 (Easter Monday) and 2024-12-31
Summer 2025All suspensions and permanent exclusions with start dates between 2024-08-01 and 2025-04-20 (Easter Sunday)
Excerpt taken from Complete the school census – Data items 2024 to 2025 – Guidance – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

This guide will look at troubleshooting this Census Query for:

  • Permissions
  • Checking the Exclusion Record exists
  • Checking attendance marks for E codes
  • Permanent Exclusion
  • If the Exclusion starts in one term and ends in another

Read Guidance:

  • For further guidance on Bromcom Census see here
  • For DFE guidance on Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions see here.

Checking the Exclusion record exists

Access: The minimum permission required to view Exclusions on a Student’s Profile Page are found under the Framework Module > Students > New Student Details > Behaviour > Exclusions of Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions

Permissions to view Exclusion record on Student Profile

If a student was excluded then the first thing to check is that the Exclusion is recorded against the student. This can be checked via the Student’s Profile Page > Behaviour > Exclusions

Exclusion Record

If the Exclusion does not exist, this can be added via the Student’s Profile Page > Behaviour, using the + button to add a new record:

Adding Exclusion

For detailed guidance, please see our guide on How to Add Exclusions to a Student, here

Checking attendance marks for E codes

Access: To view Attendance via the Student’s Profile you would need access to Attendance under the Framework Module > Students > New Student Details > Attendance of Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions

Permissions for Attendance on Student Profile

Secondly, check that any attendance marks are accurately recorded for the Exclusion dates. If the student was not excluded but has E attendance codes, these will need to be removed so that the Census Query isn’t incorrectly triggered.

Attendance marks can be checked via the Student’s Profile > Attendance to review the E attendance codes, to ensure they accurately reflect the period of the Exclusion.

Student’s Profile Attendance Page

Another useful report to view this information is the Attendance Certificate Report, accessed via Reports > Attendance > Attendance Certificate

Access: The permissions for accessing this report can be found under the Attendance Module > Reports > Attendance Certificate of Config > Setup > Roles & Permissions

Permissions Attendance Certificate Report

Enter Report Parameters:

Student – Name of required student

Day Start and Day End – Enter the dates that would cover the Exclusion record

Attendance – Which attendance is required e.g. AM / PM Only or Class Only

By Code/Meaning – Choose the required option, code will display the E codes

How the Attendance Certificate Report Displays:

Missing Exclusion Marks – these can be entered via Manage Attendance – see How To Manage Attendance Guide

Permanent Exclusion

If this relates to a student with a Permanent Exclusion you would also need to check their Exclusion record and the Governor’s Decision. In order for this to be picked up in the Census Return, the Governor’s Decision should be recorded.

To check this, open the Student’s Profile > Behaviour > Exclusions

Click to highlight the required Exclusion, then double click to open the Exclusion Record:

Select the required Exclusion Record

Once the Exclusion Record is opened, navigate to Confirmation and Appeals Record for the exclusion. Here is where the Governor’s decision is recorded.

If the Exclusion starts in one term and ends in another

The query will trigger if a student’s exclusion starts in one term and does not end until the next term. For example if a student is excluded before February half term and this doesn’t end until after February half term. This will require a return level note to either your Local Authority (if they submit the return on your behalf) or added onto Collect when submitting your return. Please refer to the DFE Acceptable Notepad Entries sheet found on the DFE site to obtain the correct wording to be submitted.

Important: Once any changes have been made, you will need to create a new Census return completing save and validate, to retrieve the amendments and clear the error/query.

Updated on July 25, 2024

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