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School Census Query 1741Q

Use this guide to resolve School Census Query 1741Q

Query 1741Q

  • DFE Validation : Where <ServiceChild>  equals ‘Y’, <FSMperiod> node must not be present OR<FSMendDate> must be present and prior to <ReferenceDate>
  • Explanation: Where a Student is designated as a Service Child either via their Student Profile or a Parental Responsibility Contact is designated as a member of the armed forces (to make them a Service Child), the Student should not be marked as FSM, or the FSM record must have an End Date of before the Census Reference Date. 

Read guidance.


Go to Students>View>Profile

Then click to the right of the Student name to Edit Student Details

Then click in the Additional Details tab to see the Service Children in Education drop down choices.

Remember to click Save if you make any amendments.

Service Children

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Student will also be recorded as a Service Child for the purposes of the Census if any of their Parental Responsibility contacts has the Member Of Armed Forces tick box selected within their Contact Record. For more information on how to edit a contact record, please see How to Manage and Add Contacts from a Student’s Record

To amend/check the FSM record for those Students identified from within the Student Profile click on the top right All drop down and select Meals & Transport.

Meals & Transport

From here click on the relevant Free School Meal record and amend as required.

Remember to click Save if you make any amendments.

Amend Meals & Transport

IMPORTANT in order for the resolved error/query to be removed from the list of errors/queries you would need to generate a new Census return and remember to use save & validate for the errors/queries to update/clear.

Updated on July 4, 2024

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